What is the Dementia Hub?
It’s a place for people with dementia and their families to come for advice and support – either by phone or by dropping into see us here at Limewood. Anyone who is affected by dementia can access information, education and support. It’s about living well and being supported well.
What is a Dementia friendly community?
A big part of my role is working with local businesses and communities to help them understand what dementia is. 40% of people with dementia feel lonely and 34% say they do not feel part of the community. If we all have a better understanding of dementia, we can change this, and dispel any myths and stigma.
How can people access the Dementia Hub?
I’m around for a cup of tea and a chat. Give me a call on 01785 215678 or call into Limewood which is on Limetree Avenue, Northfield Village, Stafford, ST16 3DF.