What is the Dementia Hub?
It’s a place for people with dementia and their families to come for advice and support. Anyone who is affected by dementia can access information, education and support.
How has the role developed?
We’re now an outreach service that also takes referrals from NHS professionals, social services, charities and many more. We’ve formed the Stafford Dementia Action Alliance, which enables all of our member organisations in a local area to come together to create a dementia friendly community.
Give us a highlight from the last year?
I am most proud of the young people I have met in schools, helping them communicate with relatives following diagnosis. I attended a local school to help a pupil who was struggling to understand his Grandma’s dementia.
How can people access the Dementia Hub?
It’s easy! Give me a call on 01785 215678 or call into Limewood on Limetree Avenue, Northfield Village, Stafford, ST16 3DF.
Limewood resident Nancy has been taking part in a new…